Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

Benefits of Running Every Day for Health & Diet Programs

Posted by Unknown on 18.03 with No comments
Benefits of Running Every Day for Health & Diet Programs
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Running in the morning is very good for health, but for some people it is difficult to do. This is because not because the process is complex, but there is a sense of lazy to run. Like jogging in the morning, is a type of exercise that is easy to do and requires almost no cost.

Benefits Running in the Morning to Lose Weight & Body Health

Running morning has the benefit that can be felt directly or indirectly. The benefits of running in the morning one of them is to lose weight or help the diet. In addition there are several other benefits gained when making a morning run. here are Benefits of running in the morning for diet & health:

Helping Diet Program

Already a lot of people who know and do the morning run as a helper to lose weight. With a run in the morning, the fat in the body from the food we eat will burn and reduce fat levels in the body which causes the body look fat. Furthermore, it should be balanced by consuming foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. So that benefits are going to get the ideal body and proportioned as desired.

Read Also: Longan, Longan, Longan..Benefits of Longan Fruit

Launched Menstruation

In addition to making the body becomes ideal, jog can launch period or menstruation. Thus the problem of the normal menstrual cycle is not able to return in normal circumstances. So start your morning by doing a morning run or jog around the neighborhood.

Strong Bones

Doing a morning run can make the bones strong and healthy. Because at the time of the morning, the sunlight vitamin D is good for bone health and prevent osteoporosis or bone loss that is suffered by women at menopause.

Benefits of Running Every Day for Nourish the Heart
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Benefits of Running Every Day for Nourish the Heart

Benefits morning run can make more heart healthy and avoid heart disease. This is because the morning run can make a smooth blood flow and make the heart beat normally.

Boost Immune System

Morning run can activate the body's immune system, making the body's immune defenses to be increased. So that the body does not easily attacked by various diseases, such as flu and colds.

Read Also: GREAT!! HERE ARE Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions

Improve concentration

By doing regular morning run, the oxygen can be smoothly flowed into the brain. It can improve concentration, so that worked out well. In addition, the morning run can also prevent eye damage in old age.

Well, that had the benefit of a run in the morning one of them can help the diet, thus making the body becomes more ideal and proportionate. So, immediately jog in order to burn fat in the body and make the body may be slim as desired

Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

Longan, Longan, Longan..Benefits of Longan Fruit

Posted by Unknown on 06.42 with No comments
Benefits of Longan Fruit
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Longan Fruit for Health Benefits. Who would not trust with a sweet taste and favors given by a small round fruit called longan this, but make no mistake lo although small plasticity if right so cool hehehe. If you have never eaten the fruit of this then you should read this article after the longan benefits. Well if you read the article after not too keen to consume it then immediately track was where I am, and Dedicate one severally longan, heheh joke really.

Benefits of longan can be found in every bite, longan contain many substances that are good for the human body, such as the best vitamin that are:  vitamin C, supported by vitamin B12, thiamin, niacin, calcium, lipids, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, protein carbohydrates, and many more which we will discuss below. All of the properties that you can in a fruit called longan fruit. For more details about the benefits of direct Longan read below.

Read Also: GREAT!! HERE ARE Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions

Benefits of Longan Fruit

As an anti-depressant

Consuming Longan in normal portions will give a soothing effect on the human body, improve the function of the human Sharh, and the amount of vitamin C found in fruits helps the body fight infection. It can even help you to fall asleep easier.

Accelerate wound healing

coupled with the polyphenol content of vitamin C in fruits longan to help you who have wounds and heal quickly, and give efficacy extend the life of cells in the body. Besides polyphenols that I mentioned earlier is an antioxidant that can prevent cancer.

Read Also: These Are The Powerful Benefits of Basil for Health!! YOU MUST READ THIS!

Helps blood circulation

Do you have anemia or less blood disease? Often - often wrote you consume this fruit. Longan fruit is able to enhance blood circulation because it is believed to have iron content.

Energy Booster

You easily sluggish. Well the solution is to take this Longan fruit, longan fruit is a natural energy source for glucose content is high enough. In addition Longan can also help you with the disease had gone to bed.

Benefits of Longan Fruit to Help Diet
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Benefits of Longan Fruit to Help Diet

Although it turned out sweet longan fruit contains no fat and calories lo, so very good to help you in the weight maintenance program, as well as the high carbohydrate content in it helps you stay full, so you are not going to eat every time.

Read Also: Amazing Root!! Benefits of Beet For Human Life

Helps Maintain Immunity

Vitamin what else can help the body retain the power of the body from germs and viruses are floating. Absolutely vitamin is vitamin C. Longan is equipped with high-dose vitamin C is good for strengthening the body's antibodies.

As a Remedy Snakebite/ Small Venom

If that had been discussed are the hallmarks of its contents, it turns out the contents of longan also very useful lo. Longan fraction of the contents can be used as first-aid medicine in people who are bitten by a snake. Quite sort the contents of longan in part bitten by a snake.

WOW Many longan fruit for health benefits ranging from flu drugs, prevention of cancer, may also help create that again diet. And the coolest thing in my opinion is a powerful used as a first aid when bitten by a snake. So what are you waiting soon buy and enjoy the freshness and the efficacy of potent of the fruit. Thank you for reading the above article,

GREAT!! HERE ARE Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions

Posted by Unknown on 05.44 with No comments
Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions
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Ok, just following are various benefits of lime to health, especially in the manufacture of drug-traditional complete with guidelines on how to process them. May be useful.

Treating Cough.

Having cough is very troublesome, especially if you get cough in the middle of night. for first aid you can use lime as a potions. for me its very tasty and treat cough in no time. 

The first way

  1. wash 1 lime
  2. mix with 1.5 (one half) spoon soy sauce and salt
  3. stir and strain.
  4. Furthermore, drink 1-3 times a day.

The second way

  1. 1 lime washed, squeezed.
  2. Give warm water, add a piece of rock sugar, stir well, then strain.
  3. Then drink a potion 1 times a day until healed.

Overcoming Constipation.

Do you have constipation? Lime has benefits to treat that. here are the recipes:
  1. Wash and squeeze 1 lime.
  2. Crushed 3 spring onions are peeled and washed, give 1 tablespoon eucalyptus oil, acid kawak for quail eggs, a little cooking water and then mixed with orange juice.
  3. Next, apply to the whole body, especially around the abdomen.

Treating hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoid is a bad disease. actually all disease is bad. here are how to treating hemorrhoid with lime: 
  1. Take the lime tree roots and wash
  2. boiled with 1 liter of water for ± 1/2 hour, strain, drink the water.

Irregular menstruation overcome.

Hey girl, has menstruation problem? ask lime to fix it. lime has benefits to treat irregular menstruation  here are the recipe:
  1. Prepare 3 tablespoons of lime juice and honey, 2 cups hot water and stir.
  2. Furthermore, herb been made earlier taken 3 times a day.

Read Also: Amazing Root!! Benefits of Beet For Human Life

Treat Diphtheria

  1. Wash 2 lime and squeeze
  2. juice brewed with a glass of water.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  4. While still warm is used to gargle for 3 minutes, then swallow.
  5. Drink 3 times a day each 2 tablespoons.

Treating the tonsils

  1. Leather 3 lime washed, cut into pieces, then boiled with 2 cups of water until the water is 3/4, strain.
  2. Gargle with water and drink.
  3. Do it 3-4 times a day, each with 3 tablespoons.

Eliminating Acne.

Acne may affect anyone, both girls and boys. To fix this: 
  1. Prepare 1 orange juice and wash.
  2. Thin slice the lime
  3. Rub on the skin.

Cure Hoarseness

  1. Wash then squeeze two limes.
  2. Add whiting, salt, 1 tablespoon pure honey, and 3/4 cup boiling water and stir.
  3. This medicine taken once at bedtime.
  4. Do it once a week.

Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions to Body odor override
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Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions to Body odor override

Having body odor is very embarrassing. But don't worry, if you or your lovely people has body odor lime will give you a hand to resolve body odor problem. Lime has Benefits to resolve your body odor problem.

The first way

  1. lime slices smeared whiting, apply to underarms after showering, let a few moments, then rinse.
  2. Do it in the morning and afternoon.

The second way

  1. some young lime leaves until finely ground, washed, crushed.
  2. Pulung into small pills
  3. Eat three times a day after meals.

Increase appetite

  1. Mix one tablespoon of lime juice with sugar to taste.
  2. Furthermore, drink a potion 2 times a day after meals.

Head overcome dizziness / vertigo.

  1. Take a half handful of lime leaves, wash and mash.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon lime.
  3. Rub into the nape, forehead and temples.
  4. Do therapy 1-2 times a day.

Headaches / dizziness suddenly.

  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a glass of strong tea, with salt.
  2. Drink once.

Prevent hair loss.

today your 10 strand of hair that lose, tomorrow 10 strand again, if that continued your head will completely bald!! don't underestimate hair lose. hurry up and make the potion from lime to treat hair lose.
  1. Wash 2 limes, then sliced into 3 or 4.
  2. Apply water on the scalp until evenly, wrap head with a towel overnight.
  3. Shampoo the next morning.
  4. Do it three times a week.

Eliminate dandruff.

has dandruff problem? don't waste your much money to heal that. just ask lime to fix it:
  1. Apply juice of 1-2 limes to the entire scalp.
  2. Allow 20-30 minutes, then shampoo. After 3 times did (every time you wash your hair), usually dandruff disappear.

Relieves flu.

Flu is very disturb daily activities. but don't make it broke all your plan. use lime to treat flu. here are the recipe:
  1. Prepare a lime that has been washed first, then bake for a while.
  2. Wait until slightly cool then split and squeezed directly into the mouth.

Reduce fever.

your child get fever? don't be worry. use lime to heal your child fever, here are the recipe:

The first way

  1. wash and squeeze 1 lime, peel-washing-crushed 3 spring onions, give 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  2. Then, apply the concoction on the patient's forehead.
The second way
  1. juice of one lime mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey, and drink as well.

Stop smoking

wanna stop smoking or make someone stop to smoke? here are the tips from lime to stop smoking:
  1. Slices of lemon, suction, drinking water.
  2. Do this several times a day.

Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions to Stop Pee problem
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Lime Benefits and Recipes of Lime Potions to Stop Pee problem

Always feels want to pee but no urine comes out? you need lime to stop your pee problem. here are the recipe:
  1. Wash 2 then squeeze the lime juice, sugar to taste and give a glass of hot water, stir, drink once.
  2. Usually quite done yet.

Treating a nosebleed

Handle nosebleed? need a simple and easy way? just try it the benefits of Lime to Treat Nosebleed:
  1. Take 1 large lemon fruit that is old and wash, cut, squeeze and strain the water for nose drops.
  2. Do it 1-2 times a day.


  •     Dalimartha, Setiawan. Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia. Ungaran : Trubus Agriwidya, 1999.
  •     Muhlisah, Fauziah. Tanaman Obat Keluarga. Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya, 1999.
  •     Tampubolon, Oswald T. Tumbuhan Obat. Jakarta : Penerbit Bhratara, 1995.
  •     Tanaman Obat Keluarga. Jakarta : PT. Intisari Mediatama, 1999.



That was a brief review of the efficacy of Lime as a complement Family Medicinal Plants (Toga) can we preserve itself in the garden or garden house. Thank you for visiting and reading various tips and Health on See you again my friend!

These Are The Powerful Benefits of Basil for Health!! YOU MUST READ THIS!

Posted by Unknown on 04.49 with No comments
Powerful Benefits of Basil for Health
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Basil Leaves tremendous benefits For the health-maybe we had no trouble with this one plant species that can be processed as fresh vegetables and also as a mixed menu of dishes, basil has a characteristic has scented basil which makes it excellent as a menu fresh vegetables, basil addition also believed to have tremendous benefits for our health one of which is the prevention of cancer.

Basil leaves tremendous benefits For health

Basil leaves are round and slightly oval green color makes this species as an addition to our appetite, usually leaves at serve with other kinds of fresh vegetables like cucumbers, cabbage, beans,  of course combine with chili and fried fish or even fried chicken. Here I will discuss more in depth what are the benefits of a powerful behind basil leaves.

Read Also: Amazing Root!! Benefits of Beet For Human Life

Basil For Health Benefits

Blood flow

Basil leaves contain a substance called magnesium so that this type of leaf is very good for blood circulation to the heart, so that the body is spared the sudden disturbance of heart disease and prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure or cause stroke.

Powerful Benefits of Basil to Prevent Infertility
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Powerful Benefits of Basil to Prevent Infertility

Basil leaves have a compound that is very good for our body especially on the part of the reproduction, the content is the substance arginin. Zat arginine in quality sperm is  trusted can make us become better and survive longer in uterus.

Maintaining the health of the heart organ

As I have already explained at the stage of the basil leaves contain substances that magnesium .Tak only turns basil leaves also contain beta krotein thing is what makes this type of leaf is very good for our heart health .Beta krotein can treat and repair cells broken it is exactly what makes this leaf has many benefits to regenerate the damaged cells are cancer prevention.

Read Also: Amazing, Here are Benefits and efficacy of fruits, seeds and leaves of papaya

treating cancer sores

Basil in trust can treat thrush, you can also chew basil leaves if they did not bother after pulverize you can gargle with warm water, Do this for 3 times in a day.

Boost immunity

Basil leaves contain beta krotein it is what makes basil has the benefit to boost immune system.Beta krotein has a function as anti-bodies and treating the damaged body cells. If our bodies healthy and strong anti body our body will be spared the bacteria and viruses that cause disease

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

Amazing Root!! Benefits of Beet For Human Life

Posted by Unknown on 04.00 with No comments
Benefits of Beet For Human Life
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Do you know what beets? Fruit beets or also known as red beets is a kind of tuber red slightly purple. There are so many ways to cook these beets, among others, by using it as a salad, soup, or it could be in the juice. Probably not many people know this fruit, but in fact beet fruit has many benefits for human health. Even the benefits of beet for pregnant women we can get well because it implies a very complete.

Ingredients Fruit Bit Invisible Many Unknown

The reddish-purple fruit contains a lot of nutrients, in which these nutrients are needed by our bodies. To find it, then you may need to visit the modern market or in the supermarket. Although beet has been cultivated in Indonesia, but its spread can not be done well as dragon fruit. If you are interested in drinking or consumption of this fruit, then you should first see how to use it. Because the side effects of eating the fruit of these beets is the vocal cords become stiff and difficulty speaking.

Read Also: Amazing, Here are Benefits and efficacy of fruits, seeds and leaves of papaya

However, with the drink as pure juice from the fruit of this beet stiff voice will actually be recovered and improved. So long as you do not know how to cook or consume correct, you should process them in a way in juice alone. Well, before further recognize the benefits of beet, then we should first identify the content of what is in it.

After an investigation, the largest content of fruit beets are folate that is equal to 34%. Following the potash 14%, 13% fiber, 10% vitamin C, magnesium, copper, tryptophan, iron, phosphorus, and also betasianin caumarin famous as it can prevent cancer. After knowing its content so much, then surely beets fruit is very nutritious for health. What are the benefits? Consider the following.

Beet Fruit Benefits For Health

Natural cleansing the kidneys and gallbladder and liver drug

Benefits of beet for health is a natural cleanser for the kidney and gall bladder. Additionally, bits can also be used as a cure liver and is believed to neutralize toxins in our bodies.

Read Also: WoW, ,Jackfruit Benefits For Health

Strengthen the circulatory system

Because of the circulatory system can run well and smoothly, then we can be sure our bodies do not experience significant interference. Besides being able to accelerate blood circulation, the fruit is also useful as immune system. So diligently consumption of fruit beets, we will not be susceptible to any illness.

Destroyer of tumor cells and cancer

The benefits of beet for the cancer that is caused by the high antioxidant content in this fruit. To get the maximum benefits of the fruit beets, then you can add it by two carrots, ½ beet, 2 stalks celery, spinach and parsley are juiced. Then drink this juice regularly.

Benefits of Beet to Overcome anemia
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Benefits of Beet to Overcome anemia

If you suffer from anemia, it does not have to take medication from a doctor about it. Because, this fruit contains iron which is high enough so that anemia can be treated successfully.

Lowering bad cholesterol in the blood

High cholesterol can be a serious problem for health, therefore you can be lowered with regular consumption of fruit beets.

Bone formation baby

Benefits of beet for infants in addition to meet the nutritional needs can also assist in the process of bone formation.

So there are some benefits to the fruit bits that you should know, may be useful.

Amazing, Here are Benefits and efficacy of fruits, seeds and leaves of papaya

Posted by Unknown on 02.43 with No comments
Benefits and efficacy of fruits, seeds and leaves of papaya
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Everyone will want to have an ideal body weight and almost all of the opinion that if someone wants to have an ideal body weight, surely it is the people who are obese / overweight. Really like that? It turned out that the person who wants to lean a little "fat" to get the ideal body weight. But weight gain is not easy, because many people who have less appetite and factors - other factors that make the body lean and less contained.
  • The factors that could make a reduction in appetite are: Excessive Stress
  • The state of being ill
  • Less vitamin
  • Taking drugs, caffeine, alcohol and smoking
  • The pattern of less healthy lives and irregular.

Leaf Papaya (Carica papaya) which is believed to increase appetite and promote weight loss becomes better, so that the body becomes an ideal and healthy, make more excellent appearance and freshness is maintained.

Papaya leaves is very helpful for those of you who want to gain weight as you wish, papaya leaf extract has started being developed into herbs that have been processed and made into various kinds of packaging, such as capsules, pills etc.

Help improve appetite and maintain health

In addition to papaya, papaya fruit and papaya seeds, has many excellent benefits for health.
Other substances contained in the leaves of papaya and papaya are as follows:

1. Papaya help and care for the senses of vision,

papaya leaves contain vitamin A: 18,250 SI (International Units) more than carrot which contained of vitamin A of 12,000 SI. So the content of papaya is very good for eye health, even the content of vit. A her more than the content of Carrots.

Read Also: WoW, ,Jackfruit Benefits For Health

Benefits o Papaya to Controlling blood pressure
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2. Benefits o Papaya to Controlling blood pressure

For those of you who suffer from high blood pressure advantage of papaya to control your blood pressure.

3. Prevent Cancer

Papaya leaves can also prevent cancer, white sap produced from papaya leaves are anti-cancer substances, therefore it can be used to prevent cancer.

4. Papaya helps Smooth Digestion

Karpain are other compounds contained in papaya, these compounds have the ability to kill harmful micro-organisms digestion. In addition, eating papaya regularly also make the intestinal mucous which negatively affect our digestive system can be reduced, even as intestinal parasites can be digested.

5. Papaya Fruit has a high content of antioxidants.

These include vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, vitamin A, panthotenic acids, minerals, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, fiber and vitamin B, the content contained in papaya helps provide protection against colon cancer.

WoW, ,Jackfruit Benefits For Health

Posted by Unknown on 02.33 with No comments
Jackfruit Benefits For Health
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Jackfruit the scientific term is called Artocarpus heterophyllus is less attractive if we see the appearance of the fruit from the outside of the skin. But who knows what the skin behind the barbed keep fruit very sweet and delicious. Not only that, it turns out jackfruit also have great nutritional content to help the nutrition our bodies. In addition to fruit, jackfruit seeds are often referred to as the concrete can also be boiled and eaten for additional carbohydrates as an energy source in our body. Jackfruit nutritional composition useful to nourish our bodies and even efficacious against various kinds of diseases that reality is a scourge for our bodies.

Before we go on the benefits and efficacy as well as the content of jackfruit, let us identify more closely divine grace this one. Fruit and trees of this plant has the same name that is called with jackfruit. Jackfruit trees can grow as high as approximately 20 meters and a large diameter trunk can reach 1 meter. Jackfruit tree has many branches and has a lot of leaves, so it seemed heavy when viewed. So many people take advantage of the jackfruit tree as the tree shade to relax ria. All parts of this plant are rich white sap and dense to the touch.

Jackfruit leaves oval shaped like inverted egg green, rather thick and flat edges. Jackfruit flowers grow in axillary and can be a great fruit, the fruit can reach a length of 100 cm. Jackfruit comes from the tent inflates fruit, yellow fruit color and sweet taste and inside there are the seeds known as concrete. More details can be considered illustrations below which I took from the jackfruit tree in front of my house.

a million benefits of Jackfruit addition to providing a sweet fruit and fragrant, jackfruit also has a nutritional composition which is very beneficial for our health. What are the jackfruit this compound? Please refer to below.

Nutritional content jackfruit:

Nutrient content in 100 grams of jackfruit masah is the carbohydrate of 27.6 g, protein 1.2 g, an energy of 106 kcal, phosphorus by 19 milligrams of calcium at 20 milligrams, fat 0.3 grams, of iron were 1.00 milligrams, vitamin A of 330 IU , at 0:07 milligrams of vitamin B1, vitamin C of 7 milligrams. In addition to the content of jackfruit are also rich in fiber manakan substances, as well as compounds containing niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, phytonutrients (lignans, saponins and isoflavones).
Of the chemical constituents are so big jackfruit, jackfruit is also beneficial for healing and herbal treatment of diseases. More you can see below.

Benefits and efficacy of jackfruit for health

• Helps to prevent cancer

This is because the content of the jackfruit fitonutren useful for attacking cancer cells and prevent the cause.

Jackfruit Benefits For Treating constipation and improving digestion
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• Jackfruit Benefits For Treating constipation and improving digestion

High fiber content can help the digestive system and overcome the problem of constipation.

• Prevent premature aging

The content of vitamins and other compounds that are beneficial to nourish the skin, making the skin look healthy and beautiful as well as reduce the risk of premature aging.

• Healthy bones and teeth

Calcium content of jackfruit, to help meet the calcium needs of bones and teeth so that bones and teeth strong and free of osteoporosis.

• Overcoming high blood

We know that the jackfruit in potassium, this substance serves to regulate fluid levels in the body, regulating electrolyte levels and regulate blood pressure so as to prevent the disease stoke.

• Healthy eye

Levels of vitamin A jackfruit can ensure adequate intake of vitamin A which is needed by the eyes, so the eyes will be healthier and more clearly into view.

• Energy sources

Levels of sugar and carbohydrates can increase our body's energy.

• Increase endurance

Vitamin C contained in jackfruit can help boost the immune system, so it does not get sick.

Benefits and efficacy of jackfruit truly extraordinary for the health of the body, therefore consume jackfruit routinely can help your body avoid the disease. Here's a little review of the benefits and efficacy of the jackfruit to maintain health